Will the world end in 2012? What will happen on December 21, 2012? Is this going to be the End of the World 2012: End of the World as We Know It? What are the true future predictions? Is it possible that we could witness the passage of rogue planet, called “Planet-X” or “Nibiru” by the end of the current year?
2012 Planet-X theory (know also as 2012 Nibiru Return) basically refers to works of Russian author's Zecharia Sitchin, in which he claimed, that the Earth periodically experiences utter catastrophe caused by an “alien” planet returning to our Solar System every 3,600 years.
Planet-X or Nibiru is a brown dwarf, that is a relatively cool, but dense heavenly body, which is very hard to detect by most of our astronomers' equipment. It is often called a “comet planet”, because it moves on a comet-like elongated, elliptical orbit reaching far beyond the outer Solar System - some authors even suggest, that it might belong to some other solar system, being a “guest” in ours, thus mimicking the path of long-period comets. This statement is also somewhat connected to the Dark Twin hypothesis, in which our Sun has a twin companion - long-expired, “dead” sun. Planet X / Nibiru would then be an object belonging to both solar systems, when passage between both suns would take the mentioned 3,600 years and it would cross the orbits of some planets inside each system. Nibiru is said to have a few moons, together with which it forms some sort of a wandering “micro-solar-system”.
Z. Sitchin during his extensive research translated ancient clay tablets of Sumeria, Babylon and Mesopotamia. He stated, that ancient Sumerian myths tell of a story, in which Nibiru, during one of its passings 4.7 billion years ago, crossed the path of the planet named Tiamat and then one or more of its moons collided with it, breaking it into smaller bodies. Largest of these fragments became the Earth and the rest have scattered onto a new orbit, which we know today as the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Since then, Nibiru / Planet X passes through the inner Solar System in regular cycle. As it is supposedly 4 to 7 times greater than Earth and has considerably greater mass, each time it passes near, it causes havoc and cataclysms on Earth. Some propose, that the Great Flood of the Bible might be caused by one of past Nibiru crossings. Although many still argue with this interpretation, there exist even more popular hypothesis than whole “Nibiru / Planet-X“ passage story, namely catastrophism, which suggests the likely reason of past global changes in living of the species, as being the cyclical, recurring global cataclysm. Could it be, that the direct cause of such catastrophes is Planet X or Nibiru?
According to many adherrents to cataclysmic 2012 predictions theory and also to some proponents of catastrophic worldview, Planet X will return to inner part of our Solar System around the December 21, 2012. This would fulfill the catastrophic 2012 prophecy, which is often attributed to Mayans and Aztecs with their calendar. Are we to experience total destruction of the world by rogue planetary body in 2012? Should we expect 2012 catastrophe? Should we fear 2012 cataclysm, caused either by 2012 Galactic Alignment or 2012 Nibiru return (2012 Planet-X return)?
Will the world end in 2012? Is it going to be 2012 End of the World (as We Know It)? What will exactly happen on December 21, 2012? Are Planet X 2012 theory followers right in their statements about the planet's alleged return in 2012? Do you know, what should you do to survive 2012 doomsday? Have you already heard, that in uncertain times we should “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst”?