One of the most prominent theories of what will happen in the foreseeable future is the hypothesis of Galactic Alignment. According to many future predictions researchers, this could be the cause for pole shift, which may occur as a result of cyclical phenomenon spanning over thousands of years. But what exactly is this galactic alignment 2012 concept, what is the cause for its periodical occurence and what does it presage for us, for the Earth, or for the whole Solar System?
The 2012 theory of galactic alignment is based on cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes, which takes almost 26,000 years to complete. It is exactly the alignment of the plane of our Solar System (the plane on which all planets move) with the plane (“disc”) of our galaxy: the Milky Way. It happens twice during all the cycle and can be presented as the sinusoidal movement of our Solar System in relation to the galactic plane; for about 13,000 years it is above the galactic “disc”, for the other half it is below. And this theory asserts, that during the passage through the central planar point the Solar System experiences extremely high energetic wave of particles radiated from the center of our galaxy (which is a black hole - or what our contemporary science denotes as such). It is often referred to as the Photon Belt. So, around the Winter Solstice of 2012 (December 21, 2012 to be exact) we will pass through this highly energized area of photons emitted from the source - the galactic center. Moreover, according to this theory, the plane of our Solar System will be almost exactly aligned with the plane of the galaxy (normally it is deviated by a variable angle), which suggests that the negative (or “transforming”, as some would say) effects of this rare event will be much stronger, than it would be in the case of a more “typical” passage through the galactic plane. What would it mean for the Solar System and hence - for us?
Such an extreme energy, yet not witnessed by our civilization, would affect our Sun, which would act as a kind of relay device, reacting to the extraorinary circumstances by increased activity, releasing much stronger ultraviolet energy and streams of other particles, like protons and neutrons, huge amount of plasma toward us, effectively passing on the transformed energy from the center of the galaxy on all planets of Solar System - including the Earth. According to researchers and authors, such as Patrick Geryl, this phenomenon causes cyclical catastrophic pole shifts on Earth (just as on other planets). Earth's liquid core, consisting mostly of metallic elements, charged by the enormous amounts of particles from the Sun, interplays with the outer shell, effectively acting as a coil circuit, inducing electrical currents able to negate most of magnetic forces, which protect us from the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and keeps the Earth's rotation constant. However this description is much simplified (there are far more complex dependencies at play, when it comes to Earth's magnetism, gravity and their relation to Solar System dynamics), this in short would mean, that we should expect the Earth's rotation slowing down - right to the complete stillness - and then, Earth's crust (outer layer) sliding over the mantle, which would result in the pole shift. Gigantic waves would commence over oceans and seas, rising to hundreds of feets (or tenths of meters) high at the shores, flooding not just coastal areas, but the areas and cities many miles inland. Extreme winds would spring up all over the globe, destroying towns and forests - but it's still not the worst. The earthquakes would follow, occuring pervasively, even in most “improbable” places, being accompanied by eruptions from the long-dormant volcanoes. Huge amount of lava would flow across the lands, destroying cities and causing the unprecedented losses - also in human lifes.
Is this what is going to happen in 2012? Will it really be 2012: the End of the World as We Know it? Is one of these future predictions true? Will catastrophe in 2012 really happen? If not, then what will happen on December 21, 2012? Should we expect doomsday 2012 on- or around this ominous date? Do you really know, what should you do to survive 2012 events?