Welcome, Dear 2012 Truth Seeker!
Very likely you're now concerned with the issue, which is briefly, but aptly pinpointed by question: “will the world end in 2012?”. Eventually, you might want to know, what will happen in 2012 - or more specifically - what will happen on December 21, 2012.
If such is the case, then you've found the best possible place, as this whole website's only mission is to help you find answers to the issue of future predictions much quicker than anywhere else. This is all the more important, that to survive 2012 events (which may happen around December 21, 2012 - or even earlier) it is necessary to be well-informed - much better, than what we're provided with by the media and even our public education system (which, in this case - to put it simply - misses the point).
According to many “2012-experts”, the whole world is going to end in the current year. They often base their assertions on popular 2012 Mayan prophecy, which is rooted in the fact of the Mayan calendar Long Count ending exactly on 21st of December 2012. This is the time, when its 13th baktun will end, signifying end of the 5th Era of Humanity. But what it's got to do with the concept of world ending in 2012?
The Mesoamerican civilizations believed, that the world has been created and re-created 5 times. They perceived the life, run of the evolution and history of the world as going in cycles. Each time the “world” - which they referred to as the “Sun” - ended in total destruction. Yes, this means, that each time the Earth with all living creatures inhabiting it experienced major calamity: a global cataclysm. At least, this is the world-view, to which the ancient tribes in America adhered to. Does it inevitably mean, that we're on to 2012 cataclysm or global 2012 catastrophe? Why we're not informed about it by the major media?
Hopi indian tribes claim, the Earth periodically undergoes the process of “cleansing”, which means, that those, who inhabit it should expect destruction occuring on a large scale - like increased seismic activity, recurring earthquakes (also occuring in the previously unlikely places, like on the seemingly stable tectonic plates), frequent volcanic eruptions, strong winds and floods. Some researchers came to the conclusion, that we're in the early stage of the next “cleansing”. But is it really identical to the End of the World 2012 concept or maybe this only presages the time of chaos, after which there will be a longer time of quietness? What could be the immediate cause for such a phenomenon taking place on planet Earth? Finally, will the world really end in 2012? If not, then what exactly will happen on December 21, 2012?